n the country When signing the contract, she prepared the information according to the requirements of the travel agency, and then went to the consulate for an interview. Two days ago, the travel agency called and said that her half-month visa to the United States had been issued. It would be on August 10th, which is the day after tomorrow. We need to travel with a group. This time the four of us went on a trip and returned home after only three days. On

n the country When signing the contract, she prepared the information according to the requirements of the travel agency, and then went to the consulate for an interview. Two days ago, the travel agency called and said that her half-month visa to the United States had been issued. It would be on August 10th, which is the day after tomorrow. We need to travel with a group. This time the four of us went on a trip and returned home after only three days. On
/August 9, Wang Bo’s second uncle drove a nanny car to Shuangqing to pick up his three children. When their girlfriends came home, the three girls were a little reluctant to say goodbye. Sun Li, in particular, felt quite depressed when she thought of saying goodbye and not knowing when she would see Wang Bo again. Wang Bo could only comfort her by saying, “Now The transportation is convenient, and it will arrive in the morning and evening. During the holidays in the future, he, Jiahui, Xiaoya and the others will fly to BJ to spend the weekend. And when school starts, she can come to Shuangqing a few days in advance, and then from Shuangqing Qing set off for the imperial capital.
/After hearing his arrangement, the girl turned from sadness to joy and became happy again.
After the three girls left, Wang Bo’s life got back on track. His business trip the previous month left him with Although a large number of things can be controlled remotely during a business trip, there are always many things that need to be solved in person.
So, for nearly a week, he and Zheng Yan rarely stayed in the school office, working all day long. Most of the time, they went to inspect several of his companies, held meetings, and solved the remaining historical issues. Three days later, the two even drove to Chengdu to inspect with Tian Xin, the executive vice president of “Zeng’s Catering” I visited a newly opened rice noodle shop, inspected the entertainment company, and also went to the headquarters of Qidian. I invited Lin Feng and Shang Song to have a meal with the senior executives of several websites, and learned about the recent situation of the current website.
Generally speaking, Several companies are currently developing well and are thriving. There are no major problems due to the absence of this hands-off boss.
Wang Bo’s parents have always been a customer when they come to their door. The secretary who met their son turned out to be a The girl, who was as beautiful as a fairy, was smiling from ear to ear. That night, she made arrangements to entertain her son’s girlfriend Liang Ya at home and prepared a large table of delicious dishes to entertain Zheng Yan. During the dinner, They even encouraged her to eat and drink frequently, and told Zheng Yan a lot of stories about their son’s childhood: how he was obedient and sensible, and didn’t let adults worry about him, how he got certificates from kindergarten, and finally covered the wall with certificates, and then again No matter how pitiful and miserable the family was, their son did not give up. Instead, he worked