alent, Sister Fang You deserves the award.” Wang Bo said politely, thinking about whether to tell the other party his phone number. The last time Fang You left his dormitory phone number for him, he didn’t give him any contact information. Since he didn’t plan to make a living in music, he didn’t want to have too many interactions with people in the music industry too soon. This is the subconscious psychology of a plagiarist, a natural conditioned reflex of “Li Gui” being afraid of “Li Kui”.

alent, Sister Fang You deserves the award.” Wang Bo said politely, thinking about whether to tell the other party his phone number. The last time Fang You left his dormitory phone number for him, he didn’t give him any contact information. Since he didn’t plan to make a living in music, he didn’t want to have too many interactions with people in the music industry too soon. This is the subconscious psychology of a plagiarist, a natural conditioned reflex of “Li Gui” being afraid of “Li Kui”.
“0838-8576525!” After thinking about it, Wang Bo still reported his phone number. Fang You didn’t know when he would come back, and he couldn’t always call back to ask. Telling the other person’s home phone number was the most time-saving way. Moreover, if you think about the worries you had before, about “Li Gui” meeting “Li Kui”, they are all unfounded. In fact, even if the target of plagiarism meets face to face, as long as he releases the other person’s song to the public a year and a half in advance and makes it popular, there is nothing to feel guilty about.
/“0838-8576525. Okay, Talented Wang! When Fang You comes back, I’ll ask her to call you back immediately.” The other party said immediately, and from the tone of his voice, he seemed to be quite excited.
“Well, that’s troublesome. Goodbye!”
“Well, bye!”
Xia Ming sent his girlfriend Fang You, who was carrying a guitar, to the door of the girls’ dormitory. Fang You said goodbye to her boyfriend and agreed on a time for practice tomorrow. Just as she was about to turn around, Xia Ming raised her head, stared at Fang You, and once again mentioned to her the incident he had told her not long ago.
/“Yuyou, do you want to stop thinking about it? I restored the main melody of that song with my guitar as soon as I returned to the dormitory that afternoon. Although I can’t say that the restoration is 100%, it has at least 70% of the essence of the original! I have memorized all the lyrics, the chorus, and two or three lines of the verse. I have added the rest in the past two days. I have tried it several times myself, and it really sounds better and better the more I listen to it. Whether it is the lyrics or the melody, it is completely perfect. It has all the characteristics of pop music! For this 50th anniversary of the National Day cultural performance, if the two of us turn in this song, you will be the lead singer and I will give you piano accompaniment, or we can do a love song duet each other, for sure You can become famous in Sichuan Music!”
“No, Xia Ming. This is plagiarism, I can’t do it,” Fang You said, shaking his head.
“Are you worried about Wang Xin and the others? Don’t worry, I guarantee they won’t talk nonsense!” Xia Ming suddenly lowered his voice.
“You have a mouth on someone’s body, how can you guarantee that they won’t tell?” Fang You said in surprise.
Xia Ming looked around, approached his girlfriend, put his mouth to Fang You’s ear, and whispered: “I gave them two hundred yuan each! They promised not to spread it randomly. And in the futur