dance every night, but ordinary people are still used to going to bed early and getting up early. After dark, they chat for a while before going to bed – otherwise it costs money to light lamps.

dance every night, but ordinary people are still used to going to bed early and getting up early. After dark, they chat for a while before going to bed – otherwise it costs money to light lamps.
However, there are of course exceptions when there are entertainment activities, especially opera, which is suitable for both men and women, old and young. Although you can’t see people and can only listen to sounds, it’s better than nothing, right?
The opera is so popular that even old people come from two or three miles away in the rain just to listen to the opera. As for those who talk about mud and water, it really doesn’t matter. They can listen to the opera for free and go home to wash their clothes. It’s all worth it.
When the broadcast reached Haizheng time, that is, at ten o’clock at night, two hundred people crowded in the small restaurant. There were still dozens of people who couldn’t get in. They were listening to the opera under the eaves outside, and there were even seven or eight people. Listening to the opera under an umbrella.
“I can’t hold on anymore,” a young man said feebly. Listening to the radio is to release inner energy. No one present is a cultivator, so half an hour is the limit.
Another person volunteered to take over. Wang looked at the room full of people and felt a little worried. She pulled Zeng Xianhong aside and muttered in a low voice, “There are only people who are listening to the opera. No one buys food.”
“Isn’t this nonsense? We have all eaten. Come,” Zeng Xianhong replied in a low voice, and then glanced at the room again, “It’s so crowded that I’m so hot that I’m sweating. Who’s going to buy wine to ward off the cold?” ”
/Then what should I do?” Wang murmured in a low voice, “Mr. It’s a pity that we just rented it and then returned it.”
“You’re a woman,” Zeng Xianhong glared at her, “What is this? This is popularity. When you gather more people, you may still have luck, so spend more money today. Lamp oil, are you worried that no one will come to drink tomorrow?”
“Then buy more vegetables tomorrow?” Mrs. Wang began to make plans.
The next morning, Hongfu Restaurant played two beautiful articles and a song “A Song of the Day”. Although the restaurant did not sell any food, everyone knew that there would be storytellers to listen to at noon.
At noon that day, someone came and waited early and occupied a seat. However, Ms. Wang expressed embarrassment – can all the folks stand and listen? I opened a store here to do business.
The folk customs in the town are relatively simple. Some people stood up happily, while others were stunned for a moment and then ordered a bowl of noodles to eat. Now I am your guest too, right?
In addition to those who order noodles, there are also people who order wine to drink. There are many poor people in the town, but there are also those who are not short of money. They don’t come to Hongfu Restaurant on weekdays because there is nothing to attract them.
Since you can read and listen to books here, what’s the point of spending a f