who has no regard for ethics? “Sacrificing innocent women in the hope of gaining stability is such a shameless thing. Forgive me for not being able to obey the Tian family. If this is the only ability, don’t blame me for underestimating him.”

who has no regard for ethics? “Sacrificing innocent women in the hope of gaining stability is such a shameless thing. Forgive me for not being able to obey the Tian family. If this is the only ability, don’t blame me for underestimating him.”
Ning Yuma and Minister Li looked at each other speechless. Li Yongsheng was young. Qing, why are you so pedantic?
But it’s hard for them to say anything, because China is a society that pays great attention to ethics and morals.
/King Qin’s past actions have challenged the bottom line of morality, but as a royal family, his status is relatively detached. As long as he can comfort the victims, he will not be held accountable by the people.
In fact, there are many examples of him failing to appease his victims, but his identity is terrifying.
Li Yongsheng did not dwell on this. He said directly, “I think it’s better for you to value Rouran people.”
“Value Rouran people?” Li Qingming frowned. Ning Zhiyuan said that he valued Rouran. He wouldn’t care, but if Li Yongsheng spoke, that would be a different matter.
He knew very well what kind of person Li Yongsheng was, “What do you mean by this?”
Li Yongsheng turned his head and smiled at Ning Zhiyuan.
Li Yongsheng bared his teeth and smiled again, “This is the bad news I was going to say. I entered Youzhou via Shangdang. When I passed Liguan, I heard that there was a Buddhist cultivator there.” “There
is a Buddha in Liguan. A cultivator?” Ning Yuma and Minister Li were both startled. They had heard about the unrest around Youzhou, but the appearance of a Buddhist cultivator was really not an ordinary situation.
Ning Zhiyuan was most worried. He spoke first about Rouran’s movements, “Yongsheng, not only Rouran has Buddhist practices, you should know this.” ”
/I do know,” Li Changsheng nodded with a smile, “But the witness recognized this person. He used to be in Rouran. I’ve seen it before.”
“Fuck,” Ning Zhiyuan grinned. The Rouran people had all gone to the south of Shuntian Mansion. The pressure was much greater. Although they did not enter Youzhou, considering the other party’s scope of activities, You can feel the obvious bad intentions.
Li Qingming looked at Li Yongsheng and said thoughtfully, “An occasional Buddhist cultivator should be nothing. Could it be that this person has other problems?”
Li Qingming’s great reputation is really not given in vain. Guessed the crux of the problem.
Li Yongsheng hesitated for a moment, then started to speak, “Well, I can’t say this casually, because I only have human witnesses and no physical evidence.”
He told the story of his experience in Liguan. Of course, the subordinates of the British Prince’s Palace He wouldn’t say anything about people taking people through the customs, and would just brush it off in a vague way.
But which one, Minister Li or Ning Yuma, can rub dirt into their eyes?
However, for them, there is no need to pursue certain details. They only need to know that the witness is currently being held in the British Palace. Those participating