accepting the bounty. The handheld computer in my hand was also provided by the game development team. Judging from the current situation, this thing is useful in this game, so I doubt it. I’m afraid Sanyu Company has something to do with it,” Jiang Jinyuan continued to explain to Liu Qian.

accepting the bounty. The handheld computer in my hand was also provided by the game development team. Judging from the current situation, this thing is useful in this game, so I doubt it. I’m afraid Sanyu Company has something to do with it,” Jiang Jinyuan continued to explain to Liu Qian.
“In this case, why doesn’t the game development team get you a set of god-level equipment? Or let you come in at full level? Or give you GM authority. In that case, wouldn’t it be easier for you to come in and investigate? Isn’t it too shabby to just give you a handheld computer and a detector?” Liu Gan had more questions in his mind when he heard what Jiang Jinyuan said.
“For the volunteers who joined before me, the game development team did try to modify their levels and open more permissions to them, but they all failed and found that these projects could not be modified at all. Later they changed their minds and gave us We brought some high-tech devices into this game, but during some previous teleportation processes, some of the powerful devices they carried were left behind in the real world
. According to the analysis, the game login interface should have an anti-cheating system, and any data anomalies entered by the player at the beginning will be detected, then blocked and corrected,” Jiang Jinyuan continued to analyze.
“But you still brought this detection device in, doesn’t that count as cheating?” Liu Qian couldn’t help but frowned when Jiang Jinyuan said this. Speaking of abnormal data, his own data was very abnormal. The alloy prosthetic arm was judged to be a real body, which was considered cheating to a certain extent, but it has never been corrected.
“I think this may be the reason why I was teleported to the wrong destination, right? And I met a mutated zombie as soon as I entered. If there weren’t other players around me, you wouldn’t have arrived in time to kill the mutated zombie. Zombie, I was probably killed by the mutated zombie. I think this may be another way to correct the world, right? Once I am killed, I will not be able to cheat.” Jiang Jinyuan speculated.
Hearing what Jiang Jinyuan said, Liu Gan suddenly realized something. When he was tracking the mutant zombie earlier, the mutant zombie inexplicably rushed towards the Happy Garden Community without hearing any sound. There was indeed a reason. of. If Jiang Jinyuan’s speculation is correct, then it must have been affected by some mysterious influence at that time, so it came to the Xingfu Garden Community specifically to hunt Jiang Jinyuan.
Also, when Liu Qian first entered the game, a mutated zombie rushed over inexplicably, almost annihilating him and the ten players with him, and he was forced to be trapped on the billboard and narrowly escaped death. Is that also a correction to the anomalies in his hand and foot data? Because he finally survived and killed the mutated zombie, the abnormal data on his body were also legalized?
/The appearance of the two mutated zombies seems to be consistent with Jiang Jinyuan’s data revision the