e car. He was one hundred and ninety-five centimeters tall and strong. His big leather boots with spurs made a slight “zizzi” sound when he stepped on the cement floor… “Sound, strode to Pinault.

e car. He was one hundred and ninety-five centimeters tall and strong. His big leather boots with spurs made a slight “zizzi” sound when he stepped on the cement floor… “Sound, strode to Pinault.
“Then can you help contact the owner of this factory? I am Jonah, the farmer from Hamilton Farm in California. ” Hamilton, wanted to negotiate a business deal with him. ”
I am Zhang Lisheng, the owner of this new slaughterhouse. What business do you want to discuss with me, Mr. Hamilton?” ”
/The cowboy was stunned, and then he looked at Zhang Lisheng carefully, “You are really a young factory owner. Of course, I can’t actually tell the age of Asians…
Oh, I said too much, I’m sorry I don’t have anything else. I just want to say that it’s nice to meet you, Mr. Zhang. “, stretched out his hand and shook it hard.
“It’s okay, I understand what you mean.
If you have anything to say, please speak up. “Zhang Lisheng put his sore hand behind his back and slowly moved his fingers.
“Okay, Mr. Zhang, I want to sign a long-term livestock slaughtering contract with you…” ”
/You are thinking too long-term, Hammer. Mr. Hilton, your farm is in California. We can talk about it after the New Port of New York opens…” ”
When the New Port of New York opens, your slaughterhouse’s share of livestock slaughtering has already been booked by farmers in villages and towns near New York City.
“I don’t want to lie to you Mr. Hammerton. The situation here may not be as optimistic as you think. ”
Recently I found that the self-service slaughtering fees of 50 meters for a pig, 150 meters for a cow, and 40 meters for a sheep seem to be difficult for people to accept. ”
This price is indeed not cheap for slaughterhouses in other cities, but for slaughterhouses near New York City, it is very reasonable.”
The cost of maintaining a slaughterhouse here must be higher, and the sufficient high-end meat consumer groups in New York City can ensure that fresh and good meat can be sold at a higher price than elsewhere, not to mention the agricultural tax subsidy can offset part of your price increase. “Hammerton said with a smile.
That is, I can request that the quota for slaughtering livestock be increased by 15% every year…”
The most common channel for selling fresh meat in the United States is supermarket counters. Supermarkets in big cities in the United States are roughly divided into three types according to different communities. The most common ones are ordinary supermarkets, which have a complete range of goods and daily necessities of various brands and prices; One is the so-called ‘civilian supermarket’, which has a single brand of goods and focuses on cheap and affordable products. Of course, the quality is basically guaranteed; the last one is a luxury supermarket in a noble community. When you enter one, the prices of goods will make ordinary middle-class people stunned. , Take raw meat as an example, the price of seemingly similar pieces of meat in the same supermarket can sometimes vary by three times, not to m