ience, the speed of shipbuilding will become faster and faster. In the coldest winter, you can get at least forty iron ships capable of transporting five thousand Hellmen to sail the sea.

ience, the speed of shipbuilding will become faster and faster. In the coldest winter, you can get at least forty iron ships capable of transporting five thousand Hellmen to sail the sea.
It should be enough for an expedition.
“Can it be so fast? ” “Based on the shipbuilding speed of shipyards in the earth’s steam age, Zhang Lisheng, who thought it would take at least two or three years to wait, asked in surprise.
/“Conqueror, there are ninety-seven workshops like this for casting ironware in the Hongshan Furnace. “A proud expression suddenly appeared on Aruba’s face, and he pointed at the wooden frame dozens of meters beside him and said decisively: “Thousands of craftsmen with ‘partners’ and hundreds of thousands of Wuli people are working day and night in the ‘smelting furnace’ and the dock. Work hard and I will be able to build enough iron ships for you in the winter. ”
Aruba, I believe you can do what you say. ” Zhang Lisheng nodded with admiration on his face. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly said: “By the way, I have something interesting to show you. It should inspire you to build ships faster.” ”
As he spoke, the young man walked to the pile of stone molds nearby, randomly picked up a piece of dirty cloth for wiping the molds from the ground, pulled out a dozen tough silk threads from the rough corners of the cloth, kneaded it into a ball, and turned the dirty cloth into The shape of the parachute was wrinkled and irregular.
Then the young man came to the edge of the sea of ????fire, his palms turned into sharp claws, and with his bare hands he picked up a handful of hot magma from the rolling lava and wrapped it in the ball of thread.
The magma was attached to the ball. The high-temperature silk thread was constantly burning with air, and soon the whole piece of dirty cloth swelled up. At this time, Zhang Lisheng relaxed his hands and saw the piece of cloth slowly flying into the air. What the
young man did was just the simplest thing Hot air balloon experiment. But in the eyes of Wu Li craftsman, he felt an incomparable look. Especially when Aruba saw this scene, his eyes widened. It seemed that he had forgotten that the tribal leader was beside him, and his eyes were fixed on him. The flying mottled dirty cloth murmured: “Fly, it flew…
it flew, it flew…”
/“Yes, it flew,” Zhang Lisheng shrugged and walked back to Du Mulu and said, “After I finished replicating the iron ship, Just study how to make this piece of cloth that can fly grow tens of millions of times. Allow it to fly with living people and cargo. ”
Great conqueror, this is very simple. Install a wooden cabin like a cabin under the cloth and drive it with a steam propeller on an iron ship. It can run.” No, it flies very fast…” Aruba raised his head and looked up at the dirty cloth that began to slowly fall after the lava burned out. He noticed the slightest hint and saw through the key point at a glance.
“It seems that I don’t need to remind you any more, Aruba. , this kind of flying piece of cloth is ca