led to five cities one by one, fans of the book would spread the news word of mouth and tell each other, fearing that both he and Fang You, the singer of the song, would “be together.” “It became a hit” and became popular before it was launched on the market!

led to five cities one by one, fans of the book would spread the news word of mouth and tell each other, fearing that both he and Fang You, the singer of the song, would “be together.” “It became a hit” and became popular before it was launched on the market!
At twelve o’clock, the autograph session on July 21 officially ended. Wang Bo, who was soft-footed and weak-footed, estimated that he had signed no less than a thousand people today. However, despite this, when Hu Maolin, as the host, announced that today’s autograph signing was over, there were still hundreds of people behind him who could not get Wang Bo to sign. Wang Bo sympathized with these lovely book friends, so he wanted to delay it for a while and finish signing the remaining few hundred people. Anyway, if you just signed a name and added a date, it would be very fast.
But Hu Maolin turned off the microphone switch and whispered to him: “Zian, this hole cannot be opened. Once it is opened, you will not be able to leave today.” At noon,
/organizer said so, and Wang Bo had no choice but to give up. . Sometimes, he likes to go off the beaten path and play cards that don’t follow common sense, but most of the time, Wang Bo is a meticulous person who likes rules and strictly follows the rules. Moreover, Hu Maolin has held so many autograph sessions, so he must be more experienced than him. He, a layman who is only responsible for signing, should not interfere and disrupt other people’s arrangements.
/Hu Maolin set up a table at Quanjude in the imperial capital. , celebrating the success of Wang Bo’s autograph session.
Accompanying him were deputy editor Yao Meijuan, Wang Bo’s editor Xiao Li, and American editor Xiao Zhang, as well as Jiang Xiaorou, whom he brought with him, as well as Cao Wenxuan, professor of the Chinese Department of B University and doctoral supervisor, and the famous writer Yu Hua. At the invitation of Hu Maolin, Cao Wenxuan and Yu Hua, as joint recommenders of Wang Bo’s dark horse debut/female works in the literary world, were also invited to Xinhua Bookstore to stand on stage for Wang Bo all morning and spoke as guests before the book signing. In addition to vividly describing Wang Bo’s heroic deeds in last year’s “New Concept Composition Competition” to readers as a specific participant and witness, he also elaborated on the literary, artistic and pioneering aspects of Wang Bo’s essays and novels. Make one-by-one reviews.
Naturally, the comments were basically all good and complimentary. Everyone carried the sedan chair and praised Wang Bo’s debut film.
In fact, in the face of the sales frenzy of Wang Bo’s new book, which lasted only two months, it swept 500,000 copies across the country. Of course, Cao Wenxuan and Yu Hua, who also rely on literature, are envious of such terrifying sales. But at the same time, how Wang Bo became famous and how he became a blockbuster. As judges of the semi-finals of the “New Concept Essay Contest”, the two of them saw it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears. They watched st