st, he had no choice but to borrow the considerable start-up capital. After thinking about the relatives in my mother’s and father’s families, the only one who can easily get the money is my stepfather’s sister who lives in the city.

st, he had no choice but to borrow the considerable start-up capital. After thinking about the relatives in my mother’s and father’s families, the only one who can easily get the money is my stepfather’s sister who lives in the city.
“What, opening a rice noodle shop?” Wang Jichang opened his eyes wide.
/“Right! I’m opening a rice noodle shop! Let me tell you, there is a cake shop not far from the entrance of our school.” Wang Bo repeated what he told Zeng Fanyu in the afternoon in front of Wang Jichang. After finishing speaking, he finally concluded: , “So, the taste is good, the location is good, the location is great, and there are a large group of students and children coming, I bet that the business of our rice noodle shop will definitely be booming! By then, there will be only a few big and ten in a day, maybe it will be Earn a hundred dollars!” In order to impress his stepfather, Wang Bo directly made a big pie.
/When money was mentioned, Wang Jichang’s eyes lit up, and the speed of eating rice noodles slowed down. He frowned and said, “If the location you mentioned is really that good, this business can also be done! However, there is one key point. , Our family has no money now!”
“If we don’t have any money, go borrow it! Dad, ask your aunt and uncle to borrow it! Once our rice noodle shop becomes popular, we can pay it back in two or three months at most!” Wang Bo immediately answered. , directly encouraged his stepfather to borrow money from his sister.
“Borrow it from your aunt? No, no!” Wang Jichang shook his head directly, “We borrowed several thousand from your aunt to build a house, but we haven’t repaid it, and now we borrow it again, how can we be so embarrassed!” Do
you still know how to be embarrassed? His stepfather’s words made Wang Bo feel the urge to go up and slap his stepfather!
As a husband and father, if you still have the slightest sense of shame and responsibility, you wouldn’t have given your mother-in-law and children two sets of decent new clothes for more than ten or twenty years while letting them have two wives. If a mother wears second-hand goods that others don’t want, she won’t have to wait until she can no longer go on from elementary school to high school, until her child is embarrassed in front of teachers and classmates, and her self-esteem and self-confidence are trampled on before she looks for money to pay for school fees; Not to mention that he would not be doing his job all day long and make a living by playing cards!
Are you still embarrassed? Good face? Do you have the qualifications to show such dignity? Are you worthy? Do you still have the face?
Wang Bo was filled with anger and laughed endlessly. He is not a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old now. What is disguised under this young skin is an old heart of a man in his thirties! In his previous life, Wang Bo had a very poor opinion of his stepfather. When Wang Jichang ignored his own dissuasion and forced himself to buy a motorcycle to show off in order to satisfy his own vanity, which eventual