k in her trouser pocket and looked at Fan Shujie, who was stunned and almost couldn’t believe it, said: “Teacher Fan, I am really not interested in the class cadres and the student union. You should ask the interested students to take on this responsibility. My friend is still waiting for me downstairs, so I’m leaving now. Finally, thank you Teacher Fan for your concern. Bye-Bye. “Liang Ya waved to Fan Shujie, turned and left the office.

k in her trouser pocket and looked at Fan Shujie, who was stunned and almost couldn’t believe it, said: “Teacher Fan, I am really not interested in the class cadres and the student union. You should ask the interested students to take on this responsibility. My friend is still waiting for me downstairs, so I’m leaving now. Finally, thank you Teacher Fan for your concern. Bye-Bye. “Liang Ya waved to Fan Shujie, turned and left the office.
It wasn’t until Liang Ya’s figure disappeared from the door of the office that Fan Shujie recovered from the shock. She was loved by a student, and he was deeply in love with her. She was very thoughtful. He had never thought about being treated like this by a student.
Especially when the other party dared to read some text messages in front of him, the counselor, and immediately abandoned him as a teacher after reading the text messages. For Fan Shujie, It was nothing less than an unacceptable “shame and humiliation”!
/Fan Shujie immediately felt happy when he didn’t see Liang Ya’s so-called friend. He thought to himself, had he been deceived by that little girl? It’s possible! Girls nowadays are a little bit She is weird and very good at making excuses. However, I didn’t do anything to her today? Didn’t I just want to find an excuse so that I would have legitimate reasons to interact with her more in the future? Is she so sensitive? Did he see through his drunkard’s trick of not caring about drinking?
Fan Shujie stood by the window, looking at the dam below, holding his chin and thinking. Within two minutes, he saw Liang Ya walking out of the door of the office building after going down the stairs.
“This girl is really trying to pull some strings, I’m trying to frame you! “Fan Shujie smiled crookedly, and his mood suddenly brightened. As handsome as he was, it was not always smooth sailing when it came to chasing girls. He was victorious in every battle. For example, his previous girlfriend, who was also considered a pretty figure in Xi Zheng, treated him at the beginning. This school boy was also indifferent, and in the end he wasted all his efforts. It took him three months to finally get it done.
“My little Yaya, as long as you are still under my jurisdiction, I will not Before he could say “Let you escape my five fingers” and “Mountain”, Fan Shujie’s mouth suddenly opened wide, until the BMW x5 he had fucked countless times slowly drove away carrying the man who ran out as briskly as a sika deer. Li Bazi disappeared at the end of the field of vision and never closed.
The three founders of the “Chinese Fantasy Literature Society” “Bao Daofeng”, “Sword Hidden Jiangbei” and “Dark Lung” received a somewhat strange letter, The person who wrote the letter claimed to be Wang Bo, a well-known figure in the literary world. He was very interested in their literary forum and gave them two options: either to fully acquire their forum, or he would invest 500,000 yuan for a controlling stake and everyone would become partners. .
When the three forum elders faced this sudden