ople. When there is no backstage, they are like rootless ducks. They may be swallowed up by the cunning officialdom at any time. Once they have a big thigh, they are afraid that they will be cooked by cunning rabbits and lackeys, and they will be thrown out as cannon fodder at any time. It is really difficult to advance, and it is also difficult to retreat. We will always step on the red line between life and death, not daring to cross it at all.

ople. When there is no backstage, they are like rootless ducks. They may be swallowed up by the cunning officialdom at any time. Once they have a big thigh, they are afraid that they will be cooked by cunning rabbits and lackeys, and they will be thrown out as cannon fodder at any time. It is really difficult to advance, and it is also difficult to retreat. We will always step on the red line between life and death, not daring to cross it at all.
When he received a call from the Municipal Party Committee Secretariat saying that Secretary Xu wanted to see him, Wen Huaiming had completely adjusted his mentality. Now that he had reached this point, he had no other choice but to fight hard. Especially since he has submitted his petition, but if he wants to become Xu Fuyan’s confidant, he still has to see whether the affairs of the Qinghua Chemical Plant can be managed well.
Wen Huaiming knew that when Xu Fuyan summoned him again, he must have had second thoughts in his mind after the impulse in the morning. He was not sure whether what was mentioned in the article could be realized, and even if it could, how sure was he? After all, the problem at the Qinghua Chemical Plant is very serious, involving many levels of relationships, and cannot be solved by just one article. As for Xu Fuyan, at best he has a gentle personality, but at worst he is indecisive, otherwise he would not have been forced into this situation by Zhou Yuanting. Meng Shanshui also understood his character, so he specifically told Wen Huaiming to rush back to the municipal party committee in the afternoon and wait for the secretary to summon him. But what neither of them expected was that Xu Fuyan would regret it before even waiting until the afternoon.
Wen Huaiming took a sip, straightened his clothes and went out. What he had to do was to convince Xu Fuyan to strengthen his confidence and start a war with Zhou Yuanting. Otherwise, he will die without a burial place!
/No matter how Wen Huaiming tried to persuade Xu Fuyan, and no matter how much of a sensation this incident caused in Qingzhou official circles, Wen Liang knew that these were just minor scabies. When the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China opens in September and the macro strategy of “grasping the big ones and letting go of the small ones” is introduced, the clamoring voices in the city are immediately silenced. As long as they withstand the pressure for two months, they can gain huge political capital. Such a deal cannot be done. What you did was an idiot!
In the next two or three days, the municipal party committee and government were very busy. The municipal government’s “Qinghua Plant Bankruptcy and Liquidation Office” sign was hung up, but the municipal party committee was organizing a study of Wen Huaiming’s article. Zhou Yuanting was furious and came to Xu Fuyan’s office three times to discuss work. This was the first time. It’s not clear what was said specifically. According to people from the city government, after returning for