ing Ji Su and was frightened by the insurmountable mountain. But hasn’t that guy Gu Wenyuan always behaved very gracefully? He had always been polite to Ji Su, so why did he start to pester him so much now that even Ren Yi knew about it?

ing Ji Su and was frightened by the insurmountable mountain. But hasn’t that guy Gu Wenyuan always behaved very gracefully? He had always been polite to Ji Su, so why did he start to pester him so much now that even Ren Yi knew about it?
But these have nothing to do with him, but that girl Xu Yao has not shown up for the past two days. Could it be that she was detained by Xu Fuyan?
/The leisurely days lasted for about a week. During this period, Wen Liang discovered a very strange thing. Ji Su, who had always been a good student, started being late in the morning three days ago, and then disappeared without getting out of school in the afternoon. There were two classes today and no one showed up.
It was normal for him to leave this matter to Wen Liang, but for Ji Su, it was absolutely abnormal.
This is just the most common way to vent a boring and lonely high school career. Sometimes you can see magpies driving away classmates with signs hanging around their necks, lining up and marching in goose-step on campus. The reason for goose-stepping is written on the sign. Generally, there are three main components: one is arriving late and leaving early, the other is skipping school, and the third is smoking and fighting. Occasionally, a person with a master level appears and will write on the sign that he is disheveled (slippers, shorts, vest, etc.) Entering the classroom), moral corruption (usually refers to puppy love), smashing the glass of the Academic Affairs Office (this often occurs), etc. Then the students watching upstairs and downstairs will give thunderous applause and welcome these marchers like heroes.
In Wen Liang’s memory of his previous life, there was a classmate who was paraded three times in seven days for five different reasons. He was given the nickname “Fifteenth Moon”, which resounded for a while. In the more than twenty years since then, no one has broken this record!
Thinking of the past, Wen Rang’s expression was a little dazed. It was raining heavily in the sky, and silver water lines stretched out along the eaves, hitting the bluestone path downstairs, making a pitter-pattering sound. As far as the eye could see, it was all foggy, which added a bit more to the entire campus. Fairy spirit.
Suddenly, a slim figure ran over from the heavy rain. The wind blew the azure umbrella around, and every time it stepped on the ground, a series of water splashes were splashed. Viewed from a height, it looked like water lilies blooming on her. It blooms behind you, leaving traces lingering on the ground.
/It was Ji Su, she was still late.
Ji Su looked a little embarrassed with half of her clothes wet. Wen Liang, who was sitting in the back, occasionally looked over and saw that she was sitting there blankly. The textbook on the table had not been flipped for a long time. Meng Ke stood close to her, whispering something from time to time, the comfort evident on his face.
Wen Liang was calm in his heart and would not bother to ask anything. After lunch after school, when he passed the laborator