you give them a ticket? Moreover, traffic police fines are not traffic control fines, and the amounts are not high, usually fifty, one hundred, or two hundred. With only a few people in total, the traffic volume is so large, and a squadron cannot fine many in a month.

you give them a ticket? Moreover, traffic police fines are not traffic control fines, and the amounts are not high, usually fifty, one hundred, or two hundred. With only a few people in total, the traffic volume is so large, and a squadron cannot fine many in a month.
The police station has no right to inspect cars, it can only arrest people for gambling and prostitution and impose some security fines.
/Rural areas are not urban areas, nor are they big cities with feasting and entertainment, and there is not much gambling and prostitution. Prostitution in particular is extremely rare in rural areas. From the end of October last year to now, it has not happened in the area under the jurisdiction of the Laoliangzhuang Police Station.
The county does not provide funds to the bureau, and the bureau also does not provide funds to the institute, and the basic salary is not even provided.
The township and town governments do not give money, and the joint security and defense fees cannot be collected, but the work that should be done must be done, and the hard targets of the crackdown mission must be completed. It is normal to accumulate foreign debt over time.
A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass.
If they hadn’t tried every means to make money, Liangzhuang’s situation would not be much better than theirs.
It was really sad to live without “imperial food”. Han Bo sighed secretly and asked calmly: “How do we solve it now?”
Wang Yan closed the account book and said with a wry smile: “The emergency funds are almost spent, and other funds are all within the budget. The points cannot be moved. The instructor went to the town and asked the town to help us pay part of the water, electricity and phone bills. The towns and villages were merged, and the ‘seven stations and eight institutes’ were also merged. We are one of them, and the town cannot ignore us. Secretary Jiao said that we Unlike other stations, we are a branch of the Public Security Bureau, and these matters should be reported to the bureau. The instructor spent a long time, and finally agreed to settle 30,000 for us. The instructor planned to use the 30,000 to pay back the entertainment fee first, and let others Let’s wait and try to resolve it before the end of the year.”
The only thing we can do now is go to the bank to borrow money to help them pay off their debts.
Han Bo nodded and asked, “How much do you think we can get from this cigarette inspection?” ”
/I asked Director Luo, and he said that a hundred thousand shouldn’t be a problem. Knowing that we had just merged and we were tight on funds, we agreed to pay it from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau’s account first. Give us 50,000 yuan for emergency help.”
“What about road maintenance fees? I helped the Transportation Bureau collect road maintenance fees years ago, but there has been no movement until now.”
“Someone called and said that road maintenance fees are different from fines and should be used for road construction and Maintenance and