destroy their families. They have turned many relatives and friends into enemies and become just like strangers. Many lovers have been separated. They are different. They impact the bottom line of social ethics and trigger a crisis of social trust; they seriously disrupt the market economic order, deceive a large amount of social human resources, absorb a large amount of social funds, and undermine the healthy development of the market economy. To this end, the General Office of the State Council announced on September 22 last year, below A “Notice on Suppressing Illegal Activities in Multi-Level Marketing Activities” was issued, but it did not attract the attention of all parties. Many places, including our Sigang, did not implement it seriously and did not clean up and inspect MLM enterprises, thus making multi-level pyramid selling activities There is a tendency of development and spread.”

destroy their families. They have turned many relatives and friends into enemies and become just like strangers. Many lovers have been separated. They are different. They impact the bottom line of social ethics and trigger a crisis of social trust; they seriously disrupt the market economic order, deceive a large amount of social human resources, absorb a large amount of social funds, and undermine the healthy development of the market economy. To this end, the General Office of the State Council announced on September 22 last year, below A “Notice on Suppressing Illegal Activities in Multi-Level Marketing Activities” was issued, but it did not attract the attention of all parties. Many places, including our Sigang, did not implement it seriously and did not clean up and inspect MLM enterprises, thus making multi-level pyramid selling activities There is a tendency of development and spread.”
“We can’t control other places, but we must control good villages!”
/Han Bo said loudly, sonorously and forcefully, clenching his fists: “The township is engaged in economic construction, we must do a good job in safety construction, and build safe and good villages. , to protect economic construction. As long as I serve as a public security commissioner for a day, I will never allow anyone to engage in such illegal business activities that are harmful to nature and morality under my eyes. I will seek the support of the township party committee and join forces with the Industrial and Commercial Office to investigate and deal with them in accordance with laws and regulations.”
How could he be a special commissioner of the public security? What he was doing was the director of the public security and even the secretary of the political and legal committee!
/Gui Jiahao was shocked. He deeply understood what it means to be capable and courageous. He was stunned for a long time and could not recover.
There is only more than a month left before the Spring Festival. So much work has to be completed within a month. The time is tight and the pressure is high.
Zhou Zhengfa figured out that the three things that a new official should do when he takes office were the public security commissioner, and the next three things he would do as the assistant to the township chief. According to the latest division of labor of the township leadership team, all these tasks are his. Within the scope of authority.
In the past, I could “organize and coordinate” him, but now I have to be led by him.
The decision of the township party committee can only support cooperation.
The more Zhou Zhengfa thought about it, the funnier he became, but he didn’t have any other ideas. He was the assistant to the township head, and was a reserve cadre trained by the county party committee. He would definitely be promoted to deputy department next year. As long as he was not transferred out of Liangzhuang, he would be led by him anyway.
Gui Jiahao finally calmed down and finally realized that this team was not easy to get along with.
He is a township le