rose into splendor, and people were pleasantly surprised: a god has descended to earth! I would like to ask all the leaders, do you believe in Marx or this god? . If you believe in Marx, you should not come, and you should not do such things that violate the principles of the organization; if you believe in this god, you are not materialists, and you are not members of the Communist Party.” “

rose into splendor, and people were pleasantly surprised: a god has descended to earth! I would like to ask all the leaders, do you believe in Marx or this god? . If you believe in Marx, you should not come, and you should not do such things that violate the principles of the organization; if you believe in this god, you are not materialists, and you are not members of the Communist Party.” ”
Lao Du, don’t get excited.”
/The old principal of Liangzhong took over the conversation, picked up a piece of information compiled by the police station, and said slowly: “You claim that masters have no political ambitions, but the video tapes of your lectures and teachings do not seem to be true. You actually publicly declared to believers that ‘all uprisings in history are The civil church plays a role, and we are powerful and cannot be ignored.’ Look at this paragraph again, and they actually openly shout: ‘The responsibility of history falls on the shoulders of Zhonggong Qilin Culture. As long as we hold high the banner of Qilin Culture, we can go anywhere. Invincible! Everyone, I don’t understand, are you flying the unicorn flag or the flag of communism?”
You come prepared, we are prepared to fight!
Liangzhuang veteran cadres and revolutionaries who have made great contributions to Liangzhuang time and time again, have rich experience in petitioning at the provincial, city and county levels, and whose theoretical level can go to the party school to teach, are aggressive and get to the point. The veteran Nangang cadres were all asked who their opponents were and were left speechless.
Deputy Secretary Cui lowered his head and smoked a cigarette, while the United Front Committee member served as a waiter serving tea and water to the “guests”.
Lao Lu said nothing with a sullen face, his sharp eyes fixed on the “scum of the good village” sitting next to the administrator. Guo Jianping finally realized the power of the “parent official” in his hometown, and was uneasy, with his head hanging down, not daring to look at him. .
It’s so awesome, I only know how to use legal weapons. Lao Lu remained silent and allowed dozens of veteran party members and cadres to take turns using communist theoretical weapons to attack.
Occupying the commanding heights and getting to the point, the General Secretary will support him even if he is sitting here. Han Bo was so impressed that he fell to the ground and deeply understood what it means to look up to a high mountain.
There are so many veteran cadres and they are so well prepared. There is no such thing as a coincidence!
Realizing that the situation was not good, the administrator immediately took out a cigarette and said with a smile: “Secretary Lu, there is no need to go on the line for this. Practice Qigong and keep fit. The country supports it. Follow the organizational principles and communism. Belief has nothing to do with it. Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it’s all misunderstanding.”
An administrator of a sanitation center came over and pretended to be a lea