Ji Qiang couldn’t help it after hearing this, “I want to cooperate. ? That’s easy to say. We have already said that King Zheng went to Thunder Valley and personally explained to the owner of the valley. He is just a mere county king. The Ninth Princess has the right to ask him like this.” “

Ji Qiang couldn’t help it after hearing this, “I want to cooperate. ? That’s easy to say. We have already said that King Zheng went to Thunder Valley and personally explained to the owner of the valley. He is just a mere county king. The Ninth Princess has the right to ask him like this.” ”
This is impossible,” Gao Yang said flatly He simply refused, thinking that you all thought King Zheng was overstepping his bounds, but Zhao Xinxin from Lei Gu was only the ninth princess of the King of England, so how could he dare to call her a princess?
/He refused so quickly that Ji Qiang frowned and was about to scold him angrily.
However, although Gao Yangbian had a cold face, his reaction was quick.
He quickly explained his refusal, “We are just the prince’s subordinates. We can’t agree for the prince. If you are interested, we can inform the prince on your behalf. As for relevant matters, you can negotiate with the prince in person.” .”
“It’s not necessary,” Ji Qiang refused quite simply. “In fact, your prince already knew our request, but he didn’t have any reaction.”
Gao Yangbian glanced at him sideways and replied expressionlessly. , “Maybe the prince didn’t receive it. You have to know that sometimes the people below are not very obedient and like to make decisions without authorization.” ”
It’s not easy for big people to know everything clearly. I can guarantee that your words will be conveyed to the audience this time.” , it may not be difficult to arrange a meeting between the two parties.”
“It’s still not necessary,” Ji Qiang waved his hand and continued to say simply, “It’s useless for him to meet Master Li. Lei Gu’s request cannot be changed. Prince Zheng must go there in person. Lei Gu explained, I think I made it very clear.”
“Isn’t this a bit inappropriate?” Gao Yang Bian said with a cold face, “The prince is a member of the royal family and enjoys the treatment of a prince. Except for the Tian family, no one can make him condescend to go there. , and the king is not allowed to leave the fief, I don’t need to say this anymore.”
“The matter involves teasing a demon, he must go,” Li Yongsheng said expressionlessly, “As for the king not being able to leave the fief, as long as King Zheng is willing to come out , the Taoist Palace has guaranteed the royal family on relevant matters, and has the obligation to cooperate with the investigation of the evil cult.”
The king is not allowed to leave the fiefdom, and that is under normal circumstances. Of course, you can go out if something happens, let alone such a big thing.
“Okay, let’s not mention the prince’s matter.” Seeing that the other party had made up his mind, Gao Yangbian stopped forcing him, “Let’s just talk about how we can cooperate so that you can complete the investigation of the camp as soon as possible. ?”
Hearing this, Li Yongsheng couldn’t help blinking his eyes, “How can we ask you to cooperate so that you can fully cooperate?”
“Of course this is impossible,” Gao Yang Bian said with a wry smile, “It must be reasonable. All