Guo’s love poison has never been caused by Guo Fu!”

“Love poison?”
Wu Yong’s eyes widened.
This answer is really a killer!
Xiao Gudong successfully defeated the opponent in the debate and was in a good mood. He quickly followed Lin Yuan’s office and said happily:
“Representative Lin, the filming of the TV series “The Legend of the Condor Heroes” is almost finished. The TV department asked you what songs you plan to prepare this time.”
Same as the Condor Shooting.
After the announcement of the Divine Eagle, Lin Yuan threw the book to the company and asked the TV department to arrange the filming of the TV series.
The show is now nearing completion.
During the process, Lin Yuan also visited the set several times and used some props to enhance the acting skills of the actors who played Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu.
Hearing Xiao Gudong’s words at this time, Lin Yuan said: “I will bring someone to record it in a while.”
The songs of The Condor were highly praised, and the Condor naturally couldn’t pull him apart, so Lin Yuan already had an idea about this matter.
Same as the Condor Shooting.
Lin Yuan prepared three main songs for “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”.
The sentimental and poignant words and phrases, and the description of the artistic conception and emotion of the Divine Condor are very good, and it is no problem to use it as the ending theme of the Divine Condor.
This song can barely be considered a private addition by Lin Yuan himself.
He was going to choose a Chinese-style song by Jay Chou as the episode of The Divine Condor, and the song was called “Red Dust Inn”!
“Who will laugh when the sword is unsheathed and there is a grudge?”
I just want to hold you in my arms today
The wind in the Hongchen Inn is like a knife, and the sudden rain brings down the fate.
Who is the leader in Ren Wulin?
I only bend down for you
Crossing deserted villages and wild bridges to find ancient roads
Away from the hustle and bustle of the world
The willow catkins are floating in the air, and the hand holding the child is free.”
Although Jay Chou’s original intention of writing this song has nothing to do with Jin Yong’s martial arts, there are always countless similarities in feelings in the world, and many ancient love songs can be incorporated into it.
Moreover, the emotional drama in this book involves many characters.
/It even includes the long-distance love journey between the old naughty boy Zhou Botong and Jing Gu.
This song seems to always have lyrics that can find the corresponding foothold of the divine eagle, especially the expression of the above lyrics, which is simply the best explanation of Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu’s love.
Is this a coincidence?
It’s not all a coincidence.
Many people don’t know that although Jay Chou’s “Red Dust Inn” has nothing to do with Jin Yong’s martial arts, the lyrics written by Fang Wenshan are closely related to Jin Yong’s martial arts!
/Fang Wenshan likes Jin Yong Gu Long’s martial arts.
The earliest inspiration for the lyrics of this song c