looking in another direction. The ground shook slightly, and a large area of ??trees in the distance was swept down. More than a dozen tall figures could be seen vaguely in the woods.

looking in another direction. The ground shook slightly, and a large area of ??trees in the distance was swept down. More than a dozen tall figures could be seen vaguely in the woods.
“It’s a giant! Get ready to fight!” The weirdos of the Witch Clan immediately got into a fighting position.
I didn’t have time to accompany them on the bloody battlefield, so I immediately withdrew with Luo Qiong towards the back. After we retreated to the edge, we were about to leave. Suddenly, I heard a witch tribe next to me asking: “Why don’t you rush forward!”
/It was still seen, but Fortunately, most of the witch clan went to fight the giant. I looked back and found that ours was a witch clan with a huge wooden weapon. It looked quite strong. When I looked at it, it also looked at us. Both sides. After looking at each other, it finally saw that Luo Qiong and I were not witches, and immediately shouted: “You are not witches, you are humans!”
“Luo Qiong, do it!” I shouted, and Luo Qiong was like an arrow from a string. He rushed out, and the moment he rushed in front of the Wu Clan, he had completed the demonization of his hands, directly pressed the opponent to the ground, and punched him in the face. The Witch Clan, which was pushed to the ground by the thunderbolt, was about to shout when the golden light had already cut open its head, and it didn’t even have time to release any spells. In fact, if it can activate the energy in the body, then this battle will at least be harder.
The cut head rolled into two halves. Luo Qiong stood up and followed me into the dark woods. After making sure that he was not discovered by other witch tribes, I squatted down and whispered: “We have to find Fatty first.”
“But Brother Shan, the situation is too chaotic now. Longyuan Ancient Land is so big, where can we find it?”
I scratched my head. He did know a few ways to find people, but he lacked tools and didn’t have time to cast spells. Wrinkling his head and thinking for a while, he suddenly thought of something and said, “We don’t necessarily have to find fat people, but we can let them come to us!”
“What do you mean?” Luo Qiong asked in confusion.
“We can’t contact anyone, but we can find a way to make Yuan Feng’s goblin sense us. I know a way to make the goblin sense us. Come on, follow me to the woods behind.”
“Yechan branches can not only stun It can also attract earth beasts. In fact, this is only one-sided. It has a seductive effect on monsters, whether they are big monsters or fairies. However, this effect is not usually strong, and monsters are more powerful than earth beasts. I know a way to restrain my inner impulses. If you burn wild Zen branches, the smell will be nothing special to us ordinary people, but it will be very attractive to monsters. Burning the wild Zen branches and trying to send out these smells may attract Hubei or other fairies around Yuan Feng, so we can meet them then. “My method is actually not very rigorous, but in the current chaotic situation, We can only try our luck.
“But, Brother Shan. T