the outside, but not the outside?” I hit the glass cover a few more times, and the other party floated to the edge of the glass, just a few feet away from me. Centimeters, I can even see the color of his pupils. It was a kind of pupil I had never seen before. Even in the 1990s, I would still be surprised to see a blond foreigner walking by on the street, but I also know that Westerners’ eyes are sometimes different from those of us Chinese. But the pair of eyes I saw at this moment shone with a faint golden color. They were not completely golden, but had a ring around the edges. Will human pupils look like this? It’s definitely not fake, but his natural pupils are golden, which is really surprising.

the outside, but not the outside?” I hit the glass cover a few more times, and the other party floated to the edge of the glass, just a few feet away from me. Centimeters, I can even see the color of his pupils. It was a kind of pupil I had never seen before. Even in the 1990s, I would still be surprised to see a blond foreigner walking by on the street, but I also know that Westerners’ eyes are sometimes different from those of us Chinese. But the pair of eyes I saw at this moment shone with a faint golden color. They were not completely golden, but had a ring around the edges. Will human pupils look like this? It’s definitely not fake, but his natural pupils are golden, which is really surprising.
I once heard that the blood of immortals is gold. The pupils are gold, and they are naturally connected to the color gold. But I have to admit that the pupils of the person in front of me are beautiful, like a pair of dazzling gems.
This time, he still didn’t see me, and then quietly floated away, and I took two steps back. According to rumors, if the Immortal Family is willing, all mortals and things will not be in its eyes. Could it be that it is not because he deliberately turns a blind eye, but because he cannot see me?
Perhaps, he is Beidou Tianzun.
An idea that scared me suddenly came out. I opened my eyes slightly and was startled by my own idea. If he is Beidou Tianzun, then the purpose of our trip will be achieved.
And I really saw the fairy
. I turned around and was about to go back to discuss with Fatty and the others, but my face changed when I saw it. The people from Team Zero had surrounded me at some point, and they were probably attacking from behind. Captured the unsuspecting fat man and the others.
Ying Long put his hands in his trouser pockets and said with a sneer, “You guys run really fast.”
“Didn’t the illusion trap you?” I frowned and asked.
“Those stone spirits you mean? Gou Chen waved his hand and they all gave way obediently.” This is what I didn’t expect. Gou Chen’s mind control talent can actually control stone spirits.
“Let my people go! We don’t need to fight each other.”
“Let them go? Haha, why didn’t you think about it when you tricked me? This broken pot would cause those two big monsters to attack. Why didn’t you tell me in advance? Me? You also acted in front of me, but I was fooled. You delayed our march, Ba Xiaoshan, you are so cruel!” Both Yingyu and Huashe seemed to be slightly injured, and his words also revealed hostility.
/“I know I can’t trap you, but there is an agreement between you and me, don’t touch my people.” I was already a little rude in my words, thinking about whether I should fight Yinglong here. But I have to deal with several of them by myself, and the pressure is not a little bit great.
/Ying Long stared at me and didn’t say anything for a long time. He also had the intention of doing something to me. But he seems to be hesitating. After all, I know a little bit about his family background, and I have threatened him with this trick before.