eet via communication to let the other party know when he would open fire.

eet via communication to let the other party know when he would open fire.
/“Let’s do this. You swear on the star sun of your earth civilization that after we open the large battleship system interface and hand over the battleship-related technology, you must let us leave safely. If you violate your oath, your earth civilization will die badly. ! “The commander of the Yiguo Civilization Fleet had no choice but to do the next best thing and let Liu Qian use his oath to ensure their safety.
“Okay, I reluctantly made an oath.” Liu Qian finally agreed to the conditions of the commander of the Yiguo Civilization Fleet and swore an oath in the name of the earth civilization. Of course, he is no longer an earth civilization and has long since changed. Civilized Mars.
“Okay, we decided to trust you once, open the system interfaces of all large battleships to you, and transfer battleship-related technology to you. Please also abide by your oath and let us leave safely.” The commander of the Yiguo Civilization Fleet is now also This can only be done.
If we don’t negotiate like this, the final result will definitely be the annihilation of the entire fleet. Now, although the battleships and battleship technology have fallen into the hands of the other party, in the eyes of the commander of the Yiguo Civilization Fleet, these things are no longer important, because Liu Qian’s The combat effectiveness and technological level displayed by the battleships have far surpassed the battleships of their Yiguo civilization.
The most important thing now is of course the lives of him, Zhixi Tuan and other senior generals. As long as they can return to their home planet alive, they will convince the supreme leader to launch a full-scale war with the earth’s civilization. By then, there will not be 200,000 ships. Battleship.
Of course, whether to fight or not depends on the decision of the supreme leader. After all, the opponent’s warship strength and technological level are already superior to their Yiguo civilization, and their production capacity is also extremely amazing. It is not certain who will win in an all-out war.
Under Liu Qian’s force, the commander of the Yiguo Civilization Fleet had to open the system interfaces of all large battleships to Liu Qian, allowing Liu Qian to officially take over these large battleships.
/After taking over these large battleships, Liu Gan discovered that all the crew members who had not left the large battleships were dead! It seems that he was killed by the poisonous gas inside the ship.
Sure enough, the system detected that after some personnel were evacuated, nerve gas was released into the large battleship, killing all the remaining personnel almost instantly. The fleet commander probably did not want to leave any hostages for Liu Gan, so he Such a cruel attack was done to these left-behind personnel.
After taking over all the large warships of the Yiguo civilization, as well as their existing warp engine technology, golden energy armor technology, laser cannon technology and en