e color used on the building’s surface, which was all painted in dark red. In sharp contrast to these dark red buildings are the trees planted around them. Their color is not the vibrant green that trees should have, but dark gray. It seemed as if they were not individual trees, but groups of black shadows.

e color used on the building’s surface, which was all painted in dark red. In sharp contrast to these dark red buildings are the trees planted around them. Their color is not the vibrant green that trees should have, but dark gray. It seemed as if they were not individual trees, but groups of black shadows.
Also, the dark gray trees are full of blue fruits, let’s call them fruits. The blue light flickers like twinkling stars.
Weird, weird, spooky!
Yin Kuang felt like he was having a nightmare. In his mind, the scene before him could only appear in nightmares. Yin Kuang suddenly wanted to pinch himself to see if it hurt.
“Hey, buddy, where are you?”
While Yin Kuang was stunned, someone woke up one after another. They were all as confused as Yin Kuang. Some even screamed, cried, and cursed in fear. Suddenly, the originally silent playground suddenly became lively.
The person who asked Yin Kuang woke up after Yin Kuang.
Yin Kuang looked at him and saw a young man of similar age to him. He was equally handsome, tall and wearing famous brands, but his expression was more sincere, at least not annoying, so he replied: “I don’t know either. I wake up. It’s here. Is this the ‘Jingxia University’ I was admitted to!?” The
handsome young man’s eyes widened, “Here? Jingxia!? No, this is definitely not Jingxia. I have been there, and it is completely different from here. Different. And, do you think the nationally famous Jingxia Club looks like this eerie and terrifying?”
“Huh? What’s so hot!” The boy suddenly screamed and took out a card from his pocket in a panic. It was a card. Zhang admission notice.
Almost at the same time, Yin Kuang also felt that his hand was burned. He picked it up and saw that it was the Beijing-Xiajia admission notice that he had been holding in his hand. At this time, the notice full of bookish atmosphere changed its appearance. , the main color is dark red, with strange lines outlined in black. If it weren’t for the words “Jingxia University” on it, he would have almost been exchanged because of his notice.
“Look, there are words on it!!” A strange voice suddenly sounded.
“There are really words! Ghost!!”
Yin Kuang was horrified. He opened the admission notice and saw a scene that made his hair stand on end.
On the notice, a flame suddenly lit up, and then the beating flame began to swim on the paper, burning a burning trajectory, and it was
impressively “Welcome to the scary college!”
Until Yin Kuang sat on a desk with his name burned out in flames, his head was still a mess. He didn’t even know how he got from the huge “playground” to this classroom.
“Horror College, Horror College”
seems to have some vague and messy consciousness in his mind, all related to the “Horror College” he is in. The strands of consciousness were entangled together, and it was impossible to sort them out. Instead, the four flame-burning words “Horror College” kept flying around in my empty mind.
Yin Kuang was brought back to his senses by a sudden slap and a drink, and he woke