build one.” In fact, not only Liangzhuang, there are still six townships without police stations in the county, and public security work has always been handled by public security commissioners.” This is

build one.” In fact, not only Liangzhuang, there are still six townships without police stations in the county, and public security work has always been handled by public security commissioners.” This is
the first time I heard that there are actually six townships without police stations in the county.
If there were no special police commissioners before, you could complain and complain. The key point is that there were before, and they worked until they got sick and were hospitalized. It is very stressful for one person to take charge of the security of a township, and Han Bo does not dare to express his position easily.
“Because the office has not been established, the household registration management has not been handed over for the time being. The household registration book is still stamped with the special household registration seal of the Township People’s Government, so you don’t have to worry about the household registration. For criminal cases, the Fourth Interpol Squadron is responsible for that area, mainly for public security. Specifically. What work needs to be done? After completing the formalities, go to the security brigade. Comrade Cheng Renyou is at home. You have dealt with each other and have a good communication.” As I
said just now, resolutely obey the organization’s arrangements and cannot beat yourself up.
A special correspondent is a special correspondent, at least the “number one”.
Han Bo thought for a moment and then asked: “Political commissar, where are the funds?”
“What funds?”
“Funds for case handling.”
“Xiao Han, I was not joking when I said I knew you just now. You manage and rectify the Renmin West Road Night Market and turn the night market into a good place.” It has become a self-financing public institution, generating thousands of dollars a month. During the training period at the party school, I went to the Sihe Police Station every day to familiarize myself with public security work. I am capable, courageous, and pay attention to investigation and research. I am very good at it. We know how tight the funds of our public security agencies are. At this stage, we can only raise funds by ourselves.”
“First, take care of the needs of the township, and ask for as much as you can, and the shortfall will be used to generate income in accordance with the law. Like other police teams, 10% will be returned.”
/The county gives money to the Public Security Bureau on a per-capita basis. Even the regular police officers in the political and legal department cannot get it. Only 70% are left in the bureau, only 40% are in the public security bureau and contract police officers, and the local police officers are not given any money, let alone the funds for handling cases.
The imperial grain is not enough, so he can only eat miscellaneous grains. The environment is like this, and there is no other way. Han Bo is also mentally prepared to generate income in accordance with the law.
“Political Commissar, Director Ji, the factory gave us a car, the one wi