red: “The murdered girl came from a good family, and she would not easily go with strangers. Those common The trick of using candy to deceive the child does not work, which means that the murderer needs other methods to commit the crime. And his ultimate goal is to violate the child, so he can achieve his goal by committing the crime in any hidden place in the city , why must the child be taken so far?”

red: “The murdered girl came from a good family, and she would not easily go with strangers. Those common The trick of using candy to deceive the child does not work, which means that the murderer needs other methods to commit the crime. And his ultimate goal is to violate the child, so he can achieve his goal by committing the crime in any hidden place in the city , why must the child be taken so far?”
Han Bo nodded, put down the case file and analyzed: “Can this prove that the murderer knew the deceased, and that he hoped to escape from this city that he and the girl were familiar with, and escape from the control of the girl’s family? ”
When she thought of the detachment leader who didn’t focus on business and started burning the three flames of “saving water”, “saving electricity” and “saving food” as soon as he took office, Li Jiaqi was full of opinions and couldn’t help but muttered. : “This is also speculation. Yue Zhi believes that conclusions cannot be easily drawn. Cheng Zhi’s questions have not been taken seriously by the task force.”
Cheng Wenming has been serving as deputy criminal police detachment in the years since he regained consciousness in his legs.
Although he has administrative duties, he rarely interferes with management work. He concentrates on researching, guiding or directing the detection of major criminal cases in the city. Especially the leader of the detachment, it is better to say that he is a criminal policeman with a higher administrative level and police rank.
He specializes in the art field, and he is definitely a good hand in pondering difficult cases.
His analysis made sense to a certain extent, so much so that he was almost misled.
The words of the old leader were exactly the same as those of his immediate boss at the case analysis meeting.
Cheng Wenming believed in his intuition and hesitated to speak.
Although Wang Jiefang had participated in the investigation, he was not a member of the task force and was not easy to express his opinions. He lit a cigarette and remained silent.
Li Jiaqi had been at the scene and examined the body of the murdered little girl, and had a certain say. She couldn’t help but said: “Han Bureau, transporting a body from the city to a small park is not an easy task. Although the girl is not tall and weighs It’s not too heavy, at least we didn’t find any traces of corpses dumped at the scene.”
/Han Bo held up the case file and said very seriously: “Although there have been cases of acquaintances committing crimes before and covering the victim’s face while committing the crime, this situation does not exist. Universality. Especially when we have the DNA information of the murderer, and have investigated the social relationship between the victim and the victim’s parents, and have almost ruled out the possibility of an acquaintance committing the crime, if I were the leader of the task force, I would not agree with your point of view.” ”
Han Bureau, but I think an acquaintance may have committed the crime!” Cheng Wenming real